
Black guard of naggarond
Black guard of naggarond

black guard of naggarond

So which other infantry units will best the Chaos Warriors? I believe the Witch Elves will, but can anyone else pull it off? Savage Orcs?

black guard of naggarond

The Chaos Warriors clearly have a better stat line, but the Black Guard were able to overcome it with their special rules. The MoT sword and board variant would likely have fared better. Lastly, Chaos Warriors without shields are not as well armoured as some people believe them to be. Murderous Prowess helped their S4 to wound. Re-rolling misses offset the Mark of Nurgle. Their opening salvo simply did too much damage and the Chaos Warriors didn't have the numbers left to grind them down. The key difference was the fact that the Black Guard got to strike before the Chaos Warriors. Furthermore, if the Black Guard can beat the Chaos Warriors then it means that the other infantry units on this list are vulnerable to them as well. It also VERY likely means that Angel and NIGHTBRINGER will be correct in their prediction that the Aracknarok Spider will come in last place. A huge result for the Black Guard and instantly justifying their inclusion in the tournament (good call of Renown !). That's got to be the upset of the tournament thus far. Black Guard: ASF, Eternal Hatred, Murderous Prowess, Stubborn.and it is an interesting one!! Chaos Warriors vs.

Black guard of naggarond